Tuesday 17 December 2019

Top Tips for Recovering from an Appendectomy

The appendix is a small organ that extends from the colon. When it gets inflamed, it has to be removed, a process known as appendectomy. Removal of the appendix helps prevent any serious infection from developing if the appendix bursts. There are two ways in which in appendix surgery is done. The first is by making a large incision through the abdomen, while the second method involves making up to 3 small incisions.

Irrespective of the method of surgery used, it is essential to follow the below-mentioned steps for ensuring a quick recovery -

Ample Rest

The body’s natural response following any surgery is to prevent any activity so that it gets time to heal. This is why there is a natural tendency to feel sleepy especially after the first week of surgery. It is also essential to keep activities to a bare minimum because muscles of the abdomen, both internal and external are cut through for the surgeons to access the organs.

If ample rest and time are not given to the body to heal then a hernia might develop leading to a part of the intestine squeezing out of the abdominal cavity. When this happens, another surgery will have to be done to repair the hernia.

Managing Pain

Any surgery brings with it a certain level of pain and an appendectomy is no exception. Also, any pain makes the body stress. This is why it is essential to follow the instructions laid out by the surgeon regarding managing surgical pain. Patients are given pain-relieving medications. If they are not working to the desired extent then you should reach out to your doctor at the earliest.

Gradually Increasing Activities

As mentioned above, rest is very essential but a little activity is also needed. To start with the activities you should start slowly by taking short walks. This will help in preventing the formation of blood clots. This also helps the digestive system to function normally.

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