Tuesday 9 February 2021

Self-Care At Home After Liver Transplant

 Patients with chronic liver diseases may require a liver transplant. It involves a lot of hassles from getting a donor to the surgery itself. However, the real struggle begins after the operation is over. You need to follow a strict self-care routine. How will you take good care of yourself so that the transplant becomes successful? Let us take a look at it.

You have to remember that your body will treat the new liver as a foreign object and try to fight against it. So, it is necessary to stay alert and follow the doctor’s advice, sincerely. Many hospitals can help you with a liver transplant in Delhi. But what matters most is the post-operative care once you get discharged from the hospital.

Self-care After Liver Transplant

Here is how to take care of yourself after a liver transplant.

     Take your immunosuppressive medications on time. It will help your body accept the new organ.

     Take care to avoid infections of any kind. Your immune system will remain weak due to the medicines.

     Deep breathing will help to take care of your lungs. You need to avoid catching a cold.

     You will initially have a liquid diet. Once you resume your usual food habits, make sure that you consume something from all food groups.

     Stay in regular touch with the transplant surgeon.

     Avoid fast food and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Final Word

These steps will ensure that you recover fast and regain your health soon. It is a slow and gradual process. However, a little bit of dedication on your part can do wonders. After getting a liver transplant in Delhi, you have to remain cautious throughout your life. Max Healthcare prioritises your health. They have the best transplant surgeons to make sure that your liver transplant surgery is a success.

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