Friday 25 September 2020

What are the key facts of Liver Cancer and what are its treatments?


The liver is the largest organ of the body next to the skin which is located under the right ribs and beneath the right. It continuously filters blood throughout the body and converts the nutrients and drugs absorbed from the digestive tract into forms that can be readily used by the body. Apart from this liver performs numerous other functions like the removal of toxins, waste products from the blood, etc. As the organ filters the blood from all over the body, it is exposed to cancer cells easily. The liver can be affected by primary cancer cells that arise in the liver or secondary cells that originated elsewhere which is called metastatic liver cancer. Metastatic liver cancer is the most common.

Liver cancer treatment options

The liver cancer treatment option chosen depends on how much have the cancer spread and the general health of the patient.

Surgery: surgical removal of a tumor in the liver is reserved for smaller sizes of the tumor. The complications might include bleeding, infection, pneumonia, and the side effects of anesthesia. Liver transplant is also considered in the case of small inoperable liver tumors in patients with severe cirrhosis.

Ablation therapy: destroying the cancer cells using heat, laser, or by injecting special alcohol or drug directly into cancer.

Embolization: embolization is the procedure of blocking the blood supply to the cancerous cell. This employs a catheter to inject beads or particles that block the blood vessel that feeds cancer. It is often used in patients with large liver cancer for palliation.

Radiation therapy: this technique uses high-energy rays directed at cancer and destroys them. As normal liver cells are also susceptible to radiation, it is accompanied by complications like skin irritation, fatigue, and nausea.

Various other liver cancer treatment procedures open are chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted drug therapy, and palliative care.

Bottom line

Liver cancer treatment has various options and the best-suited treatment is decided based on various factors like health, stage, location, etc. by the oncologist.

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